Top 10k strings from Forgotten Village, The (1999)(CSSCGC).tzx
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8 T$="THAT WAY IS BLOCKED!": 5 held =held-1 5 )="Nothing ": 5 "Nothing " 4 T$="YOU CAN'T GO THAT WAY!": 3 CREDITS=CREDITS+VALUE 3 ;"THE SPELL HAS BEEN CAST." 3 ;"PRESS Y OR N" 3 ;" ": 3 ;" ": 3 A$="DRAIN" 2 t$="YOU CAN'T BUY ANYTHING HERE": 2 X$="YOU ARE" 2 X$="NO-ONE" 2 T$="YOU MUMBLE INCOHERENTLY": 2 T$="YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH CASH": 2 T$="YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH CASH": 2 T$="YOU CAN'T TRADE HERE": 2 T$="YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE": 2 T$="USE COMMAND 'DROP,POCKET NO'": 2 T$="THERE IS NO-ONE HERE": 2 CREDITS=CREDITS-200 2 CREDITS=CREDITS-20 2 CREDITS=CREDITS-150 2 CREDITS<20 2 ;J$;" " 2 ;"YOU TRADE IN YOUR ": 2 ;"YOU HAVE ";CREDITS;" CREDITS" 2 ;"YOU HAVE ";CREDITS;" CREDITS " 2 ;"Using:": 2 ;"FOR ";VALUE;" CREDITS" 2 ;"Damage:";e 2 ;"Damage:";d: 2 A$="TRADE" 2 A$="SUMMON" 2 A$="SELL" 2 A$="GAZE" 1 w$(a)="whip" 1 w$(a)="wand" 1 w$(a)="sword" 1 w$(a)="spiked club" 1 w$(a)="spear" 1 w$(a)="rock" 1 w$(a)="pitchfork" 1 w$(a)="knife" 1 w$(a)="dagger" 1 w$(a)="club" 1 w$(a)="chainsaw" 1 w$(a)="chain" 1 w$(a)="broken bottle" 1 w$(a)="branch" 1 w$(a)="ball & chain" 1 t$="YOU'RE NOT HOLDING ANYTHING": 1 t$="YOU'RE CARRYING TOO MUCH": 1 t$="YOU CAN'T SUMMON SPIRITS HERE": 1 t$="THERE'S NOTHING HERE!": 1 t$="PLACED IN POCKET "+ 1 snake frogs eye bats wing strange jarold shoe 3 inch diskdeodorant quill cup of tea cassette paper bag red nose comb bible bronze coinsilver coingold coin joystick top hat light bulb T 1 screen 1 r$="You need the toilet badly." 1 r$="You hear someone whispering." 1 r$="You feel ill." 1 r$="You feel full of energy." 1 r$="You can hear people talking." 1 r$="This place is deathly silent." 1 r$="There is a repulsive odour here" 1 r$="The sun shines brilliantly above" 1 r$="The atmosphere is depressing." 1 r$="It starts to rain." 1 r$="It begins to snow." 1 r$="It begins to rain heavily." 1 r$="Faint music reaches your ears." 1 r$="ALL DEAD - NOW GET THE YETI" 1 r$="A sweet smell wafts towards you" 1 r$="A hideous wailing fills the air" 1 r$=" " 1 p888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 n$="You use your fists" : 1 n$="You use the "+j$: 1 n$="You swing blindly": 1 n$="You protect yourself": 1 m$=c$(b)+" uses the "+w$(b): 1 m$=c$(b)+" punches you" : 1 m$=c$(b)+" lashes out": 1 m$=c$(b)+" defends": 1 l$)="Nothing " 1 k$(a)=o$(o): 1 k$(a)="Nothing" 1 k$(a)="Nothing " 1 i$=a$ +" yourself death breath!": 1 i$="You wish you were dead.": 1 i$="You urinate.": 1 i$="You think for a bit.": 1 i$="You start to sing 'Yesterday'": 1 i$="You sniff.": 1 i$="You sit down on the ground.": 1 i$="You sit down and cry for a while": 1 i$="You prance around a bit.": 1 i$="You make a rude noise.": 1 i$="You hit yourself viciously.": 1 i$="You crap on the ground": 1 i$="I wouldn't do that - its cold.": 1 i$="Aaatichooo!": 1 held=held+1 1 e=e+strength 1 drain=drain-1 1 dagger spiked club pitchfork spear wand pitchfork club chain spear knife 1 b$=" "+c$(b)+" is here,"+" "+"carrying a "+w$(b) 1 adven 1 adinit 1 a$="VERBOSE" 1 a$="THINK" 1 a$="STRIP" 1 a$="STATUS" 1 a$="SOUTH" 1 a$="SNIFF" 1 a$="SNEEZE" 1 a$="NORTH" 1 a$="KILL ME" 1 a$="INVENTORY" 1 a$="DROP,5" 1 a$="DROP,4" 1 a$="DROP,3" 1 a$="DROP,2" 1 a$="DROP,1" 1 a$="DANCE" 1 a$="COMMIT SUICIDE" 1 a$="BRIEF" 1 a$="BELCH" 1 a$))="OFF" 1 You use the chainM! 1 You are standing on the village green. The sweet smell of freshly cut grass tingles delicately at your nose. Severalbirds fly past, enjoying the radiant heat of the sun. Lookingaround you see that you may go in any direction.B< 1 X$=C$(B)+" IS" 1 X$="WELL MATCHED" 1 X$="SWIFT" 1 X$="LONG AND HARD" 1 X$="LONG AND BLOODY" 1 X$="LENGTHY" 1 X$="FIERCE" 1 WEAPON =M: 1 WEAPON =15 1 WEAPON =14 1 WEAPON =13 1 WEAPON =12 1 WEAPON =11 1 WEAPON =10 1 WEAP2 1 WEAP1 1 The village green. Exits: North,South,East,West 1 TURN=TURN+1 1 T$="YOU'VE ALREADY USED ONE": 1 T$="YOU ZAP THE CHARACTER": 1 T$="YOU HAVE NO POTION": 1 T$="YOU HAVE NO CRYSTAL BALL": 1 T$="YOU HAVE NO 'ZAP' SPELL": 1 T$="YOU HAVE NO 'DRAIN' SPELL": 1 T$="YOU DRAIN THE CHARACTER": 1 T$="YOU DON'T NEED A DRINK!": 1 T$="YOU CAN'T BUY ANYTHING HERE": 1 T$="VERBOSE MODE ACTIVATED": 1 T$="THERE'S NO-ONE HERE!": 1 T$="THAT POCKET IS ALREADY EMPTY": 1 T$="POCKET 5 EMPTIED.": 1 T$="POCKET 4 EMPTIED.": 1 T$="POCKET 3 EMPTIED.": 1 T$="POCKET 2 EMPTIED.": 1 T$="POCKET 1 EMPTIED.": 1 T$="NOBODY'S THAT STUPID!": 1 T$="I DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU!": 1 T$="BRIEF MODE ACTIVATED": 1 STRENGTH=STRENGTH-1 1 STRENGTH=STRENGTH+1 1 STRENGTH=2 1 STRENGTH=10 1 STRENGTH<2 1 Q$="top hat " 1 Q$="strange jar" 1 Q$="snake " 1 Q$="silver coin" 1 Q$="red nose " 1 Q$="quill " 1 Q$="paper bag " 1 Q$="old shoe " 1 Q$="light bulb " 1 Q$="joystick " 1 Q$="gold coin " 1 Q$="frogs eye " 1 Q$="deodorant " 1 Q$="cup of tea " 1 Q$="comb " 1 Q$="cassette " 1 Q$="bronze coin" 1 Q$="bible " 1 Q$="bats wing " 1 Q$="Nothing " 1 Q$="3 inch disk" 1 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing J 1 Nothing A 1 Max uses the rock X 1 Max ISQ 1 L$)="Nothing " 1 K+" HAVE BEEN KILLED": 1 J$="sword" 1 J$="spiked club" 1 J$="spear" 1 J$="pitchfork" 1 J$="knife" 1 J$="dagger" 1 J$="chainsaw" 1 J$="chain" 1 J$="broken bottle" 1 J$="branch" 1 J$="ball & chain" 1 I$=C$(B)+" lets out a sigh": 1 I$="Lightning strikes "+C$(B): 1 HELP4 1 HELP3 1 HELP2 1 HELP1 1 HELD=HELD-1 1 H$="dead " 1 H$="alive": 1 EthelredSpike Martha Elrond Tiffany GarfieldFreddy Carrie Gandalf Max 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-VALUE 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-800 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-700 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-70 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-600 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-500 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-50 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-450 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-400 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-350 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-300 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-30 1 CREDITS=CREDITS-100 1 CREDITS<200 1 CREDITS<150 1 BUY2 1 BUY1 1 A$="INVENT" 1 A$="GO WEST" 1 A$="GO SOUTH" 1 A$="GO NORTH" 1 A$="GO EAST" 1 A$="DROP,5" 1 A$="DROP,4" 1 A$="DROP,3" 1 A$="DROP,2" 1 =*strength*d) 1 ;X$;" DEAD." 1 ;J$;" PURCHASED.": 1 ;J$;" FROM YOUR HANDS.": 1 ;C$(B);" ATTACKS YOU!": 1 ;C$(A);" is ";H$ 1 ;A;"...";K$(A);" ";VALUE;" " 1 ;A;"...";K$(A) 1 ;"YOUR WEAPON IS:" 1 ;"YOU SUMMON THE SPIRITS...." 1 ;"YOU SEE" 1 ;"YOU PURCHASE THE POTION.": 1 ;"YOU PURCHASE THE BALL.": 1 ;"YOU OVERSPENT......." 1 ;"YOU OVERSPENT BY ";-1 1 ;"YOU NOW HAVE AN EXTRA LIFE" 1 ;"YOU HAVE A STRENGTH OF ";STRENGTH 1 ;"YOU HAVE A REINCARNATION SPELL" 1 ;"YOU HAVE A POTION" 1 ;"YOU HAVE A CRYSTAL BALL" 1 ;"YOU HAVE A 'ZAP' SPELL" 1 ;"YOU HAVE ";DRAIN;" 'DRAIN' SPELLS" 1 ;"YOU DRINK THE ALE. ": 1 ;"YOU BUY BACK YOUR ";J$ 1 ;"YOU BOUGHT A ";J$ 1 ;"YOU ARE DEAD" 1 ;"YOU ARE CARRYING: VALUE" 1 ;"YOU ALSO HAVE ";credits;" CREDITS" 1 ;"WELL DONE YOU HAVE ESCAPED.": 1 ;"WEAPON.": 1 ;"USE COMMAND 'ZAP' TO KILL" 1 ;"There is a ";o$(o);" here." 1 ;"TO SELL. PRESS 0 TO EXIT." 1 ;"THEY ALLOW YOU ONE OF THE" 1 ;"THE YETI MONSTER SMASHES YOUR": 1 ;"THE YETI MONSTER NOTICES THE": 1 ;"THE SPIRITS DISAPPEAR IN" 1 ;"THE FIGHT WAS ";X$ 1 ;"THE CHARACTER HAS STRENGTH "; 1 ;"THE CHARACTER CARRIES" 1 ;"Strength:";strength: 1 ;"Strength:";s(b) 1 ;"REINCARNATE SPELL CAST": 1 ;"REDUCE A CHARACTERS STRENGTH" 1 ;"Press any key to continue.": 1 ;"PLEASE SELECT WHAT YOU WANT": 1 ;"PERHAPS YOU HAD THE WRONG": 1 ;"OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS." 1 ;"OBJECT SOLD.": 1 ;"MANAGE TO KILL OFF ";K 1 ;"LOTS OF ACTION.": 1 ;"JEWELLED DAGGER THAT YOU ARE": 1 ;"IT WILL COST 200 CREDITS" 1 ;"IT TOOK YOU ";TURN;" TURNS.": 1 ;"INITIALISING": 1 ;"IN THE END ";X$;" WON." 1 ;"HE THEN TEARS YOUR LIMBS OFF": 1 ;"HAVE YOU TRIED THE OTHER": 1 ;"FROM THE BLACK WITCH?" 1 ;"FOLLOWING SPELLS:" 1 ;"EXHIBIT EXCELLENT GAMEPLAY AND": 1 ;"EXCHANGE FOR IT.": 1 ;"Damage: " : 1 ;"Damage: " 1 ;"DRUID STONES." 1 ;"DON'T BE STUPID.": 1 ;"DO YOU WISH TO BUY A POTION" 1 ;"Credits:";CREDITS;" Strength:";strength;" Turn:";turn 1 ;"COMBAT WITH THE YETI MONSTER" 1 ;"CARRYING AND LETS YOU PAST IN": 1 ;"CALL POWERFUL SPIRITS AT THE" 1 ;"BY USING 'SUMMON' YOU CAN" 1 ;"BUT THERE IS NO LIFE HERE...." 1 ;"BROWN SOFTWARE GAMES? - ALL": 1 ;"AND EATS WHAT IS LEFT.": 1 ;"A CLOUD OF BLUE SMOKE...." 1 ;"A CHARACTER." 1 ;"A ";W$(A) 1 ;"3..DRAIN....THREE DRAIN SPELLS" 1 ;"2..ZAP........ONE LETHAL SPELL" 1 ;"1..REINCARNATE...AN EXTRA LIFE" 1 ;"** TRADE MODE **" 1 ;"** SUMMON MODE **" 1 ;"** STATUS PAGE **" 1 ;"** PURCHASE MODE **" 1 ;"** PRESS ANY KEY **": 1 ;"** GAZE INTO CRYSTAL BALL **" 1 ;"* ZAP *" 1 ;"* SELECT SPELL *" 1 ;"* REINCARNATION *" 1 ;"* DRAIN *" 1 ;" USE COMMAND 'DRAIN' TO" 1 ;" POCKETS" 1 ;" HARD LUCK. YOU DID HOWEVER" 1 ;" ADVENTURE. " 1 ;" A DRAW!": 1 ;" * PRESS ANY KEY *": 1 ;" ** COMBAT MODE **" 1 ;" * PRESS ANY KEY *": 1 ;" ** PRESS A KEY **": 1 ;" * PRESS A KEY *": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " : 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<<<<<<<999999999999999<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::============================<<::=============================<::===========================<<<::============================<<::===========================<<<::========================<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<<<::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::9999999999999999999999::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::999999999999999999:::::::::::::::9999:::::::::::::::::::::::::::9999999999999999999999999999::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888885 1 *weapon)+strength 1 *p(b))+s(b) 1 *CREDITS;" CREDITS" 1 ** WHAT IS WEAPON? ** 1 *(strength+.5 1 )="top hat" 1 )="strange jar" 1 )="silver coin" 1 )="red nose" 1 )="paper bag" 1 )="old shoe" 1 )="light bulb" 1 )="joystick" 1 )="gold coin" 1 )="frogs eye" 1 )="deodorant" 1 )="cup of tea" 1 )="cassette" 1 )="bronze coin" 1 )="bats wing" 1 )="Tiffany" 1 )="Martha" 1 )="Garfield" 1 )="Gandalf" 1 )="Freddy" 1 )="FIGHT" 1 )="Ethelred" 1 )="Elrond" 1 )="DROP " 1 )="Carrie" 1 )="ATTACK" 1 )="3 inch disk" 1 "You find yourself standing outside the village pub. A rustysign informs you that it is the 'Headless Chicken'. The door lies to the west while the street continues to the east andthe graveyard lies to the north.","Outside the Pub. Exits: North,East,West" 1 "You are walking beside a stream,just south of the Great Lake. The stream turns into a river here as it is joined by several tributaries.The stream runs south.","Stream, south of lake. Exits: North,South" 1 "You are walking along a woodlandtrack,the sunlight filters through the trees and you noticethat although the going is quiteeasy here the vegetation on either side of the track is veryovergrown.The track runs east/west.","Woodland Track. Exits: South,West,East" 1 "You are walking along a stony road. The road is long and hard on your feet.In the far distanceyou can see what looks like a quarry, apparently abandoned.To your West a rocky track leads upwards into the mountains. To the East a large pile of boulders blocks your way.","The stony road. Exits: North,South,West" 1 "You are trudging wearily along apath which runs from North to South but branches to the west. To the East the path is fenced off by dense vegetation, a deserted building lies to the south.","The winding path. Exits: North,South,West" 1 "You are struggling through densevegetation, vines and creepers entangle themselves around you as you move, it is as if they are grabbing you. The ways East and South are impossible to penetrate.","Dense Vegetation. Exits: North,West" 1 "You are strolling along the quiet lane. A wall blocks the way west but all other routes are open to you. A cold wind blows down the lane from the north.","The quiet lane. Exits: North,South,East" 1 "You are standing outside the village shop. A rusted sign hangs above the door reading 'YeOlde Village Shoppe' - Judging by the flaked paint and decayingwooden door this shop has not been inhabited for quite some time. The door seems to be jammed shut. Exits are North, East and West.","Ye Olde Village Shoppe. Exits: North,East,West" 1 "You are standing outside an old shack. It is securely locked. Inthe distance you can hear the thundering of a waterfall. You can go North or South from here.","Woodland Shack. Exits:North,South" 1 "You are standing outside a farm.The track becomes very muddy here and there seems no point ingoing any further. The only apparent exit is east. You can BUY a potion here.","At the Farm. Exits: East You can BUY a potion here." 1 "You are standing on the village green. The sweet smell of freshly cut grass tingles delicately at your nose. Severalbirds fly past, enjoying the radiant heat of the sun. Lookingaround you see that you may go in any direction.","The village green. Exits: North,South,East,West" 1 "You are standing on a dirt trackThe graveyard lies to the south and a quiet lane winds north. A branching path leads east and a muddy track leads west.","The dirt track. Exits: North,South,East,West" 1 "You are standing next to the waterfall. The noise here is almost deafening. Torrents of water crash around you.From hereit is possible to follow the river north, go west along the forest track or go south,furtherinto the forest.","Forest Waterfall. Exits: North,South,West" 1 "You are standing next to a smallstream which runs from east to west. The directions north and south are blocked off by steep cliff faces.","Stream, west of lake. Exits: East,West" 1 "You are standing inside a circleof stone pillars. A cold wind blows across the clearing and bites into you. There seems to be no way out but east - in all other directions the icy wind forces you back. You can SUMMON spirits here.","The Druid Stones. Exits: East You can SUMMON spirits here." 1 "You are standing in the main street of the village. The street consists of four desertedbuildings, in various states of disrepair. The street is cobbledand comes to a dead end, in factthe only visible exit is west.","Village Street. Exits: West" 1 "You are standing in a forest clearing. Charred remains lie inthe centre of the clearing - it seems that someone has been hererecently. You notice that the stones around the fire seem to be bloodstained. The only apparent exit is North.You can BUY weapons here. ","The Clearing. Exits: North You can BUY weapons here." 1 "You are standing at the edge of the Great Lake. The water seems to stretch for miles to the north and east. Streams run westand south.","The Great Lake. Exits: South,West" 1 "You are on the corner of a treacherous mountain track whichleads north and east.To the westand south there are rocky cliff faces looming over you. ","Mountain Track. Exits: North,East" 1 "You are on a long, branching pathway. There is no-one in sight. The path leads North to South but you can go east, towards a forest, or west along a dirt track.","The branching path. Exits: North,South,East,West" 1 "You are making your way along a forest track. In the distance you can hear the thundering sound of a waterfall. The track is in quite good condition but thick vegetation on either side make it impossible to go to the north or south.","The Forest Track. Exits: East,West" 1 "You are inside the pub. Upturnedbarrels serve as tables and wooden boxes as chairs. The bar is wood-worm infested and the range of drinks seems to consistof ale and whisky. The door is to the east. You can SELL objects here or BUY a drink.","Inside the Pub. Exits: East You can SELL objects here or BUYa drink." 1 "You are in the graveyard. Upturned headstones lie scattered in all directions - the dead do not lie easy here. The way west is blocked by a high wall.","The Graveyard. Exits: North,South,East" 1 "You are in the eastern end of the quarry. Old machinery lies everywhere, slowly rusting and decaying. A stream flows throughhere. It twists and turns in a easterly direction. The ways north and south are blocked by large piles of boulders.","East of quarry. Exits: East,West" 1 "You are at the quarry, to your west and north are the steep quarry faces and the quarry streches to the east. A stony road leads south.","The Quarry. Exits: South,East" 1 "You are at Blizzard Pass. The snow lies too deep for you to continue here. The only apparentexit is south, but that too is becoming blocked with snow.You can BUY a crystal ball here.","Blizzard Pass. Exits: South You can BUY a crystal ball here." 1 "You appear to be lost in the forest,trees loom on every side.What might once have been a track leads north and south while a icy wind blows from the west.","Lost in the Forest. Exits: North,South,West" 1 "What Now?";a$ 1 "The road turns into a rocky trail here.To the west it climbsinto the mountains while to the east and south it makes its way into the village. To the north is a cliff face which seems to bar your way. A icy mountain wind blows from the west.","The rocky track. Exits: South,East,West" 1 a$="DROP" 1 A$="HELP" 1 A$="GET" 1 A$="DROP,POCKET NO" 1 A$="DROP,1" 1 A$="DEAD"